I’m probably not the counsellor for you. Not if you are looking for someone who listens to your stories without interruption, agrees with you that life has dealt you a rotten hand, and then hopes that you feel better for getting it off your chest. That’s not how I work.
Sure, I’ll listen to what’s going on for you. I believe in the power of telling your story out loud, and having it reflected back to you, so there’ll be a fair bit of that. I won’t judge you. But I’ll also be asking you some uncomfortable questions. Challenging you. Offering you some alternative ways of thinking and behaving. Identifying patterns of behaviour, setting some new goals, measuring your progress, noticing and celebrating subtle changes in your feelings, thoughts and behaviour.
The way I see it is, if you could have sorted it yourself, with self-help books, podcasts, and the support of friends and family, you wouldn’t be coming to me. So I need to be offering you something different. The bit that hasn’t occurred to you, or the techniques you’re not aware of. Making links between what’s going on for you now, and what happened in the past. Helping you design what you want your future to look like, who you want to be, or at least which direction to travel. Does that sound a bit too much like hard work? That’s because it kind of is. But I’ll get you where you want to be via the fastest, easiest route.
So have a think. And if this hasn’t scared you off, or if you have any questions, then get in touch . I offer counselling and coaching, or a blend of both to suit your needs. I offer a free, no obligation initial consultation to see if we’re a good fit. As I said, I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.
Pamela Mackenzie-Reilly MSc, Adv Dip Couns, MBACP