Over the years, I’ve identified a particular kind of service, for a particular kind of person, with a particular kind of need.
I’m not usually a fan of lumping people together in categories. So shall we leave out the label, and concentrate on who this may be useful for? (Never end a sentence with a preposition. ‘For whom this may be useful’? Maybe not.) Let’s see if any of the statements below apply to you:
- If you have a wobble, then work and home both suffer
- The term ‘Imposter Syndrome’ resonates with you
- You can’t talk to anyone else about your business worries
- You don’t want to bring your work worries home with you
- You’re in the middle of a tug of war between work and home
- Work is always there at the back of your mind, or like a shadow hanging over you
- Nobody else does it properly, so you have to do it yourself
- You have some unhealthy coping strategies (drink, anyone?)
- You’ve no time for gym/running/cycling/yoga/golf even though you know it does you good
- It’s difficult to book time off
- Your phone is always on
- Sleeping’s not going so well
If they did, I’m not surprised. And I can help.
Over the years, I developed a client base of people who were in senior leadership roles or owned their own businesses. The thing they all had in common was when they were personally struggling, their work suffered, with financial implications or ramifications for employees or the wider team. Their initial reaction was to work harder, but things didn’t get better, they actually got worse. When they began to work with me to focus on themselves, then both work and home improved.
However, it wasn’t easy to keep them focused on themselves and their own needs. It was like using our sessions for themselves was an indulgence. Their natural inclination was to focus on work and home, as if getting those areas ‘sorted’ would mean things got better for them. And whilst that’s true, in the sense that work and home are large parts of us … for these people, especially, it was more that home and work were largely made up of them. When we made changes to improve them, personally, then their work and home magically improved too. Well, maybe not so magically. It makes sense, doesn’t it? So we focused on them. Life improved, work improved, home improved. ‘Happy Days’!
I still work with many of these lovely people (you know who you are!) in different capacities. Some I see every few weeks for them to offload, tweak a few things, they bring a new issue to unpick with me, we future plan, measure progress against goals, look at what’s holding them back, revisit lessons learned .. that kind of thing. Others I don’t see for months and then they’ll book in for a few sessions because something has happened, or they realise they’re having a wobble and need a quick refresher, or some support to get back on track.
As a result, I know what works. We get to know a bit about your work and home. From YOUR perspective. That’s the easy bit. Then we look at what got you here. Why you’re doing what you’re doing. (That still sounds quite ‘worky’, so not too scary, right?) But then … deep breath … we look at you. (Eek!) We work out how you can do things better, be better, feel better, live better. It may sound weird, because you’re already rocking it, in many respects. But some of your strengths, which made you who you are today (being strong, working hard, maybe being perfect?) can all tip over into weaknesses (areas for improvement sound better?). These are not apparent in the short term, but there’s a cost in the longer term. If we improve you, then everyone and everything gets better.
So what does this look like?
A mix of meeting in person and online sessions. I’d like to come to visit you at work, if that’s appropriate. That way I can get a feel for what you do and how you are at work. We’ll look at what you want to achieve, and make a plan for how to get there .. remembering that the focus is on developing you, rather than work! Working in this way, with me, is approximately a six month project. (You guessed it, you’re the project!) It includes;
- 4 x 2 hour sessions at your place of work (including up to 90 minutes of travel time, each way, for me)
- 11 x 90 minute online sessions
The cost is £2,450. I am only able to offer a limited number of these packages at a time. Please contact me, if you’d like to find out more, or think I can help .
NB I’m not a Business Coach. I won’t make suggestions on how to improve your business, (I’ll let you handle that). What I will do is work with you to improve you. And if you get better, work gets better, home gets better, remember?