It’s generally accepted that it isn’t helpful to know too much about your counsellor’s private life and personal circumstances. There are many reasons for this, but I totally get that a bit of a heads up as to who I am and how I got here feels a reasonable ask.
My background is within criminology and the criminal justice system. I had a successful career as a Senior Operational Manager (Prison Governor) for HM Prison Service, finding my work varied, fascinating and I enjoyed working with a wide spectrum of people and issues. I was young, healthy and had supportive friends and family. Although I seemed to have everything going for me, I suffered from anxiety and depression and had no idea why, or what to do to get out of it … and felt very guilty for not being happy. I was reluctant to ask for help, but finally went for counselling, which helped me make sense of my feelings, my life and to see the choices I had if I wanted to change.
I made some tricky decisions and some even bigger changes, culminating in me training as a counsellor, over thirteen years ago.
I’ve a lot of work still to do and I’m well aware that I’m far from perfect. But for all my faults, I’m a pretty decent counsellor*, and that’s the part that’s most relevant for you.
Contact me if you’d like to arrange a free online meeting, to see how I can help.
* I find this hard to write. You know when I said I’d a lot of work still to do? Accepting compliments and owning my strengths is one of them. But enough about me.